What is CRUDE?

A few months ago I discovered a product called @liveCRUDE on Instagram. CRUDE is an oil cleansing system that, according to the website “is designed to soothe and nourish, allowing your skin to heal and support itself.”

Like anyone else I was extremely skeptical due to the fact that the skin care industry is a multimillion dollar industry that mostly sustains itself using flashy advertising and overly touched up models. The industry’s system works because it keeps you buying the next best thing before you’ve even run out of the first product because it simply didn’t work. All the advertisements promise your skin will be better than ever, they say it takes TWO MONTHS for your skin to adjust while only making your skin worse and in the end, the result is no different than what you started with. Super disappointing.

However CRUDE was different. CRUDE didn’t make any promises, but instead talked about inner beauty and the health benefits of real ingredients. Since when have you ever heard a skincare company talk about ingredients besides salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide (aka two chemicals that harshly dry out the skin, especially dry skin like mine). I then began to think about the fact that our skin produces oil, and the obvious fact that oil and water don’t mix. They’re completely different. So why was I using a watery soap to clear bacteria out of my pores that produce oil? No brainier right? The time to switch to oil had come and in less than ONE WEEK my skin was softer and clearer than it had ever been before.

I have taken CRUDE with me on countless trips for work and to three countries and on four continents. It passes my travel test 💯/💯.

Guys I’ve never been so excited about any palpable thing. I want everyone to look and most importantly FEEL beautiful. That’s why I teamed up with CRUDE in the first place.

Get 10% off your order with the code BECCACRUDE and help support a company who has their heart in the right place. I tell myself that I’m not a salesperson, I’m a flight attendant. I don’t want this for me, I want it for YOU!!!



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