Thailand Step Two: Sukothai

We decided to wake up slowly and spend most of the day in Bangkok and then take a bus in the evening to Sukothai.

We ended up staying at a teeny tiny little guest house by the bus station (Rueang Sri Siri Guesthouse). The accommodation was very modest, even compared to my standards. However, for 250 baht split between two people for the few hours we were going to be there, the location alone was worth it. Since we spent most of the day in Bangkok and the bus took 7 hours to go between Bangkok and Sukothai, we arrived at the guesthouse around 2am. We knew we wanted to hit the ruins early, so we took a short nap and were up again just in time for sunrise. We took a little bus from the bus station that took us to the Old City for about 30 baht each.

Sukothai is accurately translated into English as “the dawn of happiness”. I definitely had a moment as we rode our rented bikes through the early morning dawn. The air was cool from the evening, a refreshing break from the unforgiving heat that we experienced in Bangkok. The light breeze blew buds from the trees into the air to mingle with the first rays of sunlight of the day. This site was even more beautiful because we got to the site so early, that we were completely alone except for a few friendly and playful stray dogs.

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We spent our day exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Site before making our way to the bus station and on to Chiang Mai.

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