Welcome back, Becca

It has been a while since I have written anything, be it a blog or otherwise. I started blogging when I began to travel just over two years ago. However, I stopped because to me, blogging felt somehow less personal than keeping things in a journal. Why would anyone else in the world care to know about my deepest feelings, and most personal interactions with people on the bus, or in line at the grocery store? In today’s world we tend to be more concerned with how others perceive us than how we perceive ourselves. So I stopped. However after talking to some friends recently, I realized that there are many people out there, like me, who have something to say about life. And who can inspire others, whether it be in person, or online. Although my interpersonal interactions and face to face connections will always be the most valuable to me, I realized that in today’s society, it is perfectly acceptable to make friendships in other ways. And to inspire people who don’t happen to be sitting next to me on a bus, or in line at the grocery store. Maybe they are searching to complete themselves in the way that I have discovered, but they are still uncertain as to where to start.

This is the reason I have begun to blog again. Not to try to convince to anyone that my life is perfect, far from it. But that I am happy. And that I have found my happiness through travel and meeting strangers. The ups and downs, the beauty and the ugly. In the hopes that perhaps someone might take that first step themselves towards happiness through travel.

Blue Lagoon Smiles